The Asbestos Diseases Society of South Australia (ADSSA) was formed on 16 June 2005 in response to some gaps in service provision for asbestos victims and their families.
ADSSA services include:
- a fully qualified Social Worker, Penny Jacomos, who provides a range of psycho-social and psycho-educational interactions to support clients who have an asbestos related disease, their family care givers and bereaved relatives. This includes loss and grief counselling, hospital and home visits; referral to other community services and a limited bereavement service subject to client’s needs.
Penny has been employed by ADSSA since its inception and has a great deal of experience in providing counselling services to those suffering asbestos conditions and their families. These strategies can help clients optimise their wellness and quality of life and help them find meaning in the “here and now”. This is invaluable for a client whose time is limited if they have been diagnosed with the life-threatening condition of mesothelioma. (ALL services are FREE!) - a quarterly newsletter distributed to clients, social work departments, palliative care units, respiratory physicians, unions and other community services. This brief newsletter is a means of keeping clients and others “up to date” with what is happening in “The World of Asbestos”. There is no joining fee for victims of asbestos conditions and their families. To receive it either by mail or as an attachment to emails please contact us.
- education services for members of the public and all interested groups, about the dangers of asbestos. ADSSA provides sessions throughout South Australia about asbestos awareness and preventative measures.
- For further details, please contact ADSSA
- The following link will give the home renovator invaluable information…Asbestos In The Home
- For trades and construction workers, check out this link… Asbestos in the workplace
- assistance with obtaining legal advice as many of those suffering asbestos conditions are entitled to claim compensation.
- ADSSA supports the South Australian Asbestos Coalition, attending regular meetings and providing relevant information.
- ADSSA has provided our opinions to the Government with respect to laws governing people who suffer asbestos conditions.
- ADSSA makes public statements with respect to the plight of victims and also of the dangers of asbestos exposure that still remains today.
- ADSSA is a “not for profit” organisation funded through private and public donations. To keep us going, we rely on members of the public to make donations.
- If you wish to make a tax-deductible donation, this would be more than welcome.